Friday, July 8, 2011

California, here the Larsen's Come!

In the middle of June, we drove with Cashelle, her family, and Grumpy (Verne) to take this new little family to live in Southern California, where they bought this lovely home. I love it! This picture below is the two girls already making new friends in their housing developments' swimming pool.

Spencer just LOVES the water! (NOT!!)
Thomas showing us how he can go underwater and keep his eyes open.
Audrey and A.J. This picture of A.J. cracks me up!

A.J.'s work.
The day we took Verne to LAX to fly home, we all went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Verne, sadly, couldn't go with us because he had to catch his flight home.
Hollywood Walk of Fame.
This is Elvis Presley's star. You can't read it very well.

Chinese Grauman Theater. It was so much fun being there!

It was the world premiere of "Cars 2" when we were there. So exciting!

Had to get a picture of Tinkerbell for Jayleigh. She loves her.

Here is one of the LA Lakers (Mimm? is his name). Curt shook his hand. We also saw Rick Fox on the sidewalk filming something.

When Curt was in the National Guard, they stayed at this hotel, Hotel Roosevelt. It is across the street from the Chinese Grauman Theater. He said they could look out their window and see everything that was going on below.
There were all kinds of tour companies trying to get people to take their tours to see the stars' homes, the Hollywood sign, etc. Prices were $39 for each adult and $29 for each child. I told one of the salesmen if they could do us all for $100 we would take it, and then I laughed. There were 8 of us in our party (4 adults and 4 kids=$272 worth of tickets). As I was walking away, he said, "We'll do it for $120." It was the last tour of the day and I guess they decided they wanted to make SOME money, so we took them up on it. On the tour we saw Pamela Anderson (she waved and blew us a kiss), David Hasselhoff, one of the Jones Brothers and lots of homes. Some of the homes we saw--Tom Cruise, Leonardo de Caprio, David Hasselhoff, Richard Simmons, Keanu Reeves, Michael Jackson (the home he died in), Hugh Hefner and the Playboy Mansion, many others. They also drove us down Rodeo Drive (wow! for the fancy cars). This is a view of LA from the bus thing we were in.
Leonardo de Caprio's house is built on the edge of the mountain and goes down three stories overlooking Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and LA.
I think this is the gate of Michael Jackson's home where he died.

On another day, we went south to San Diego. Here we visited the San Diego temple--it is so beautiful! It was a Monday so no one was around except the groundskeepers.

After the temple, we went to La Jolla to play in the ocean. Here are some seals hanging out.

Ohhh, a baby seagull. . . .
and a FAT squirrel!
The moving truck finally came the day we left. We stayed until everything got unloaded off the truck.
While they were unloading the truck, I took the kids down the road a bit to a little park. I'm going to miss all of them so much--but I am so happy for them and how things have worked out. They sold their home, bought a new one, and moved in all within about three months. Fantastic!

1 comment:

Cashelle said...

I'm so glad you guys could come out. It was fun having you here. Can't wait to see you again!