Saturday, January 29, 2011

Update on Curt

Three weeks ago, we were hit with the news that Curt's cancer has come back. We were referred to the Huntsman Cancer Clinic and have an excellent doctor taking care of him now. Curt had prostate cancer, so he had his prostate removed a few years ago. We found out later that possibly one cell was outside the surgery area. A year and a half ago, he had radiation. Again, there were a couple of cells outside the radiated area. Now, since the doctors don't know where these cells are, it can't be cured. But, it can be treated. His doctor said people with his type of cancer can live anywhere from several years to decades. We are totally hoping for the decades part of it.

You know, life throws you all kinds of curves. All you can do is roll with the punches, get back up, and start throwing a few of your own.

Curt doesn't have to go back to see his doctor for six months, since it is in the early stages. He does have to have his PSA checked every two months so they can keep tabs on him. Once his PSA reaches 10 (it is 2.5 now) they will begin hormone injections to slow the growth. These injections have bad side effects: diabetes, hardening of the arteries, osteoporosis. So they want to wait as long as they can before beginning this therapy. The doctor also said coming in now,as opposed to a year ago, there have been great strides in his cancer treatment. Who knows? Maybe five years down the road there will even be better treatments available. Curt's attitude is very upbeat and positive. We are hoping and praying for the very best.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

December 2010

Chris, Amanda, Cody, and Carter were at our house on Christmas morning. Carter loved his new ball he got from Santa. The three boys in their matching pjs that Amanda and her mom made. They were really cute with frogs on them. A.J. would have loved them.
Cute little Carter sitting in the high chair.
Cody and his bed head waiting for breakfast.
Thomas with one of his presents. During the holidays we went to Cashelle's and A.J.'s to deliver presents.
Not a very good picture of Madalynn. Sorry, Maddie. We can't even see your face.
Spencer with some new clothes.
Audrey got a new DS game.
We can't leave out Jayleigh. We got to see her during the holidays, too. Here she is with Audrey. Audrey loves to play with Jayleigh. They have a great time together.
Curt and Landon braving the winter cold to fix us mutton. It was SOOOOO good.