Saturday, February 23, 2008

Love Story Tag

Okay, Cashelle, here is my "Love Story Tag" with ancient pictures. Let me explain the pictures first--then I'll do the "tag" part at the bottom. Just to let you know, Lacey and Amanda, you're next on the list so get busy.
Here is a picture of the new bride and groom (Becky and Curtis) on July 30, 1979.
Isn't he handsome? Another picture of the the happy couple. We ought to be happy--we had less than 24 hours (about 19 to be exact) to pull this one off. Thanks to our families for getting it done. We couldn't have done it without you! And, by the way, no--I wasn't pregnant. Curt's family was in town (a sister from California and one from Oregon) so we just decided to do it spur of the moment. I already had my wedding dress done (my sister, Kathy, made it for me). We weren't sure when we were going to get married. We just kind of sped it up a bit. As a side note, the best man's (Curt's brother, Steve) wife (Carol) was in labor all day. Steve was at our wedding long enough for the festivities and made it to the hospital before Clinton was born.
Here we are with our parents. Left to right: Ben, Ruth, Curt, Becky, Byron, Dot.
My dad walking down the stairs to give me away (I was 25 at the time. They were probably getting worried I'd never get married.)
Here is the groom, looking at his watch, along with his best man, Steve.

The bride getting ready. Her two sisters, Kelly and Kathy, assisting.
Curt's dad, Ben, performed the ceremony in their gazebo in the backyard. He was mayor at the time. Then 11 years or so later, we were blessed to be sealed in the Manti Temple.

OK, now the the "Love Story" questions.
  1. What is his name? Curtis Bylund.
  2. How long have you been together? We will have been married 29 years this coming July. We dated for about two years before that.
  3. How long did you date? Over two years.
  4. How old is he? Right now he is 65. He was 36 when we tied the knot.
  5. Who eats more? Probably him (even though I look like I do).
  6. Who is taller? I think me, but he would argue the point. He feels much taller than he is.
  7. Who said I love you first? Honestly, I think it was him. He always had a hard time talking about feelings of the heart. But I knew long before he told me.
  8. Who does the laundry? Me, of course. He tried it once when I was in the hospital after giving birth to Cashelle. He turned my orange pants purple, and that was the end of his laundry days. He also claimed he put so many clothes in the washer that the ones in the middle didn't even get wet. No, I don't allow him to do the laundry.
  9. Who does the dishes? I do, most of the time. He really does do them sometimes, though.
  10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does.
  11. Who pays the bills? I do.
  12. Who mows the lawn? He does 99% of the time. He is great at keeping the yard looking nice.
  13. Who cooks dinner? Definitely me. Curt won't even eat anything while I'm at school. He does barbecue things for me sometimes. And when we have mutton, he definitely cooks it. I tried it once and almost burned down the house.
  14. Who sings better? I would say it's a toss up.
  15. Who drives when you are together? 99.99% of the time it is me.
  16. Who is more stubborn? Curt is definitely.
  17. Who is smarter? This is a tough one. He is smart in some categories and I am in others. Where I am weak he is strong; where he is weak I am strong. We make a good match.
  18. Who kissed who first? He kissed me first.
  19. Who asked out who first? He did. I was uptown dragging main with Kelly one night, and he pulled us over. I was scared to death of him at first. I had had a crush on him since I was in elementary school. Crushes NEVER work out. But this one did!
  20. Who proposed? He did. It took me dating another guy to get him to do it. He kept telling me he would never get married so after a couple of years I thought I may as well start looking elsewhere. I had a couple of dates with a guy from Gunnison and that was all it took. It put him in gear.
  21. Who is more sensitive? Definitely me. Are guys ever sensitive? Just wondering . . . (I'm just kidding. He just doesn't want me to know he's sensitive.)
  22. Who has more friends? He does. I really don't have any close friends. I have some bowling buddies but that's about it. I am friends with his friends and their wives.
  23. Who has more siblings? I do. I have three brothers and two sisters. He has one brother and three sisters.
  24. Who wears the pants in the family? I think we share that one equally. As I mentioned earlier, we really are good for each other. Curt, I love you. Thanks for wanting to be with me forever. You are a good husband and father. I look forward to many more years of companionship. You are my very best friend.
I tag: Lacey and Amanda (I expect you both to get his done!)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Meme (This was all Cashelle's idea)

OK, here is my Meme. The rules are as follows: 1) read question 2) go to, or google search 3) type your answer to the question in the search box, and hit return 4) Pick a picture from the first search results page

Question #1: What is your name? (This could have been me 100 years ago.)
Question #2: Where is your favorite place? My favorite place is anywhere with my family.

Question #3: What is your favorite movie? I actually have lots of favorites. I tried "Twister" but all it brought up was the game. I'm really into alien stuff--so that's why I chose "Signs."

Question #4: What are you afraid of? Anyone who knows me, knows the answer to this question.

Question #5: What is your favorite TV show? I have a few favorites. "Deal or No Deal" is one I enjoy watching.

Question #6: Who is your celebrity crush? I had the biggest crush on Michael Landon when I was in junior high. He has always been my favorite. Another fave of mine is Mel Gibson.


Question #7: What is your favorite color? GREEN!!!!

Question #8: What is your last name? (And how did you say you pronounce your name?)

me and kjar
Question #9: Who do you love? Curtis, of course! (just not this one!)


Question #10: One word to describe yourself--busy.
busy Well, that was kind of fun. Cashelle, you find the weirdest things to make me do. But it really was fun.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

President's Day Weekend

I don't have any pictures (can you believe I didn't take any this weekend?), but we did get out of Sanpete County--which we call the North Pole this year. I don't remember when we had so much snow. And it's been so cold. We stayed in St. George this weekend to go the the home show down there. Chris, Amanda, and Cody went with us after we went to Kiddie Kandids and got Cody's picture taken. (Check out Amanda's blog to see the cute pictures.) Lacey had an insurance test to take (she is planning on becoming an agent) and then she and Landon went out for a steak dinner for their Valentines celebration so we didn't get to see them much on Saturday. We visited a few homes (they were all gorgeous, of course) and enjoyed each other's company. Sunday morning Curt and I drove down to Mesquite for breakfast. When we left there it was 62 degrees. When we got home, it was 24 degrees. Yes, it is a refrigerator up here. It was below zero this morning. I am DEFINITELY looking forward to spring this year.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tax Time!

I got a copy of the Turbo Tax software (thanks, A.J.) to help Chris/Amanda and Lacey/Landon get their tax returns done, so they all came up this weekend. I got Lacey's and Landon's done but couldn't finish Chris and Amanda's. We needed Cody's social security number and also their medical expenses for 2007--they had quite a few. We had a nice time together.

On Saturday night, we had already made arrangements to go with Landon's mom and dad (Jerry and Shelly) out to dinner and then to a Voice Mail concert. We ate at the Sage Brush Grill in Monroe. It was great food. Curt had prime rib, and I had filet mignon--yummy! We had dinner with Jerry, Shelly, Dustin, Lyndsay, Logan, Lacey, and Landon. Afterwards, most of us went to the Voice Mail concert--which I enjoyed VERY much. (Thanks, Shelly!)We have quite a herd of deer that like to eat our crabapples that have fallen off our flowering crab tree. People drive by and take pictures, too. One night we counted seven deer out front. They just walk past Lucky tied up in the back. They're not afraid of her. Poor deer--they are hungry. Notice all of the snow we have this year! You can really see it if you look across the street. Curt likes to plow ours off the lawn (never have really figured out why--we're the only ones in town with the lawn plowed). I love you, Curt. Here's a close up of a couple of the deer. They are so pretty.
Pompa and Cody enjoying each other's company. He's getting so big!
Gammie and Cody were tired. We decided to take a nap together.
Little John Deere boy. He's not too sure about the hat.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weekend Fun

We spent Friday night at Cashelle and A.J.'s while they went out to dinner for a night out. Then in the morning, the day of President Hinckley's funeral, they went to the Jordan River Temple. The people at the temple told them there was no better way to honor President Hinckley than to be in the temple. Curt and I had some fun with the kids. Madalynn was getting sick, so she came downstairs and slept with us after Cashelle and A.J. left at 4 a.m. Poor little girl.This picture above is Cashelle reading to her little kiddies. They all love to be read to!
This is a picture of the quilt that Cashelle made Curt and I for Christmas. (This is so you can see it, Nancy) We love it. We even used it tonight as we watched the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots in a shocker. I thought the Patriots would win for sure--they hadn't lost yet this season.
This is a picture of our two little lovebirds. It is Chris and Amanda's 1st anniversary today. We have been thinking of you both all day. We are grateful to have Amanda in our family. She has been a nice addition (along with Cody too, of course). We love you guys! Happy Anniversary!