Thursday, May 19, 2011

Curt and his building projects (sigh)

Yes, Curt decided he needed another shed. Do we have more junk to store than anyone else, or what? We had quite the crew helping with the cement: Curt, Landon, Chris, Wes, Kendall, and Russell (Kendell's borther-in-law).

Gotta get the hand prints in. Here's Cody.






and Madalynn.

Putting the shed together on the cured cement. We had a family party that day. I'm sure the crew putting up the shed didn't know they were going to be critiqued by spectators. They even ended up having lunch with us. In fact, one funny--the workers didn't speak much English. One of the younger men had to use the restroom. He asked one of the older guys to find out what kind of toilet paper we buy. He loved it! It was Charmin, of course! Now there's a good commercial.


Cashelle said...

The toilet paper comment cracks me up!

Twitchell Family said...

Looks nice. Mom, it sure is fancy!!! :)