Wednesday, February 22, 2012

La Jolla Beach

After Audrey's baptism, we traveled down to La Jolla to the beach. The seals were sunning themselves. There's that cute Madalynn gathering things.
Jayleigh enjoying her time. She was kind of afraid of the water since the waves came in and got her wet right off the bat.
Cody had a blast. He did some exploring of a little cave that was there.
More seals....
The kids had a blast going inside this cave.
Thomas looking for something in the tide pools.
Lacey, Cashelle, Curt, and I. Chris and Amanda were visiting her family for the afternoon, so they didn't go to the beach. We brought Cody so he could go, and then we dropped him off on our way back home.
Curt will never keep a smiling face when we take pictures. This is a prime example; he cracks me up. Cashelle is always telling him to just look at the camera and smile--don't talk or anything or this is what happens.
Not too bad on this one.
Spencer loved chasing the birds on the shore.

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