Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Miscellaneous fun in California!

OK, I already posted our fun at SeaWorld, but I need to finish up our California trip.  One afternoon we played basketball,

 took the kids to the park,
And we went to Temucula to pick our own blueberries that Cashelle put in pancakes the next day.


 One day we drove up to the Palomar observatory.  It was amazing.  The observatory is home to five telescopes that are nightly used for a wide variety of astronomical research programs. The research is conducted by Caltech's faculty, post-doctoral fellows and students, and by researchers at Caltech's collaborating institutions.

The kids found a lizard one day on the house.  The kids were fascinated by it.
 On one of our trips we stopped at McDonald's.  Look at Spencer--he had a fun time.  He's so cute.

1 comment:

Cashelle said...

So much fun! I'm glad you got Spencer covered in chocolate milk! I didn't get that! I love you.