Monday, July 15, 2013

Camping "Up on the Face" for Memorial Day

For the past several years we have gone camping as a family for Labor Day.  We missed last year because Cashelle and A.J. were living in California.  Normally, our camping trips turn into one big muddy, rainy mess.  We had wonderful weather this year!  We made lots of memories again.  Geez, I didn't even get a picture of our camp!
 A truckload of kids going for a ride and chewing on sunflower seeds.

 Ha, ha, ha--I couldn't pass up this picture.  If I'm not mistaken, that is Curt's and A.J.'s legs, lol.
 Seven little grandchildren.....
 With #8 on the way!


Twitchell Family said...

Camping was so much fun!! I love going and can't wait for next year!

Cashelle said...

We all look forward to it. Thanks for all your hard work!