Monday, July 15, 2013

Grandbaby Number 8--Easton Landon Twitchell

Welcome into the world Grandbaby #8--Easton Landon Twitchell.  He was born June 10, weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long.
 Here's momma, getting ready to go into surgery.
 Landon getting on his scrubs for the big event.
 Yay!  Here he is! Cashelle was worried about Lacey and wanting to know what was going on.  I was on the phone with her and she said "I'm not hanging up until he gets here."  Just a couple of minutes later, I see Landon walking down the hall and I told Cashelle, "Here comes Landon with a little bundle in his arms."  It was quite the exciting day.

 What a cute little bundle of joy.

 Grandpa got a turn...
 So did Lyndsay.

 Mommy getting to hold her new little bundle of joy.
 Landon and son....
 Jayleigh coming down the hallway to meet her brand new little brother.  There's a funny little story about Jayleigh.  She so wanted a sister.  But when they went to get the ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby, lo and behold she was told it was a little brother!  She crossed her arms and got kind of pouty look on her face.  When they got out to the car, Lacey said "Jayleigh, you're going to have a baby brother.  Won't that be fun?  What should we name him?"  Little Jayleigh, without skipping a beat, said "How about loser!"  She wasn't happy at the moment.  Then to top things off they stopped at McDonalds and got a happy meal.  Her toy ended up being for a boy.  It just wasn't her day.  You'd never know it now.  She loves her little brother to death!

 Getting to meet little brother for the first time.

 Grandma Shelly admiring her first grandson.

 The brand new little family of four.

 Grandpa and Grandma Twitchell with grandchild number 3!


Twitchell Family said...

That was a great day! So happy you guys could be there and that he got here safe and sound! :)

Cashelle said...

Love those four!!! What a sweet family. I love my little loser!

Cashelle L said...

Oh that's cute