Thursday, November 19, 2009

I am Thankful--Day 19

Today I am thankful for a barbecue and a barbecuer. Curt and I went to Wally World shopping today and decided to have hamburgers. I told him not to worry about cooking them on the barbecue because I had to go visiting teaching at 6. Well, when I got home, he had the burgers all seasoned and the barbecue was ready to go. Man, barbecued hamburgers taste so good. And thanks to my hubby for doing the cooking. He is the barbecue man at our house, and I'm really grateful for that. I'm also grateful for Thursdays, because that means Friday is the next day--my favorite day of the whole week!

1 comment:

Jerry Twitchell Family said...

The only time Jerry cooks is with a BBQ. It does taste great.